Counseling on Ube Campus
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the Counseling Room
The Student Support Service Office (the Counseling Room) would like to help each individual student to enjoy a rich and fulfilling student life.
You are invited to come and talk to a counselor anytime, about any problems you may come across in daily life, no matter how minor.

You feel anxiety over your situation or future. You feel unsatisfied with your classes or club/activity group you belong to.
No motivation, trouble sleeping, feeling lousy... You have no friends who understand your issues.
Scared about trying to talk to people in public.     Feeling lonely and having trouble making good friends.
Feeling irritated or restless... You don't know what to aim for, after beginning university.
Trouble at home, or issues at your apartment. Having doubts about being in the engineering area.
You can go to the Counseling Room at times like these...
Counselor Introduction and Counseling Time and Place
Day Counselors Hours for Counseling 学生相談所の場所
Monday  元吉   小夜 Self-Introduction (Counselor) 11:00-14:00
Wednesday  河合  可南子 Self-Introduction (Counselor)
Thursday  元吉   小夜  (Counselor)
Friday  廣中   香子  (Counselor)
Counseling Appointments
Appointments can be made in person with one of the counselors, during counseling hours.
Or make an appointment by phone or e-mail.
    Telephone : 0836-85-9015
    E-mail :

Don't worry about problems by yourself. Please feel free to talk to us anytime.
The Living Room, a place for you to come and relax.
The Living Room
There is another room, besides the counseling room,
in which anyone can come and relax anytime.
Between classes, the living room is available for you to take a break or to ponder your next move.
You could spend your time simply relaxing by yourself while you have a drink, or read a book.

You are welcome anytime you are seeking advice, or are simply looking for someone to talk to about anything.